Headen Finance Background

Stake NFTs, Liquidity tokens as collateral, and borrow without needing 70% of total staked value.

$789,982,343 of liquidity is located in Headen.Finance with over 2 networks

Insurance HeadenFinance Protocol

Earn interest, multi chain lending and better collateral opportunities.


Credit based lending possible without having a collateral upto 70% of total staked assets value.

Web3 & DeFi is taking over the world!

Headen Finance aims to be a standard protocol used globally for cross chain lending & staking

World map


Headen Finance is sponsored by reputable global companies. In the just concluded ETHonline Hackaton, the protocol was also selected amongst the highlights of the competition.

Polygon logoEthOnline logoHyperLane logo

Headen Finance allows users to stake NFTs, use Liquidity tokens as collateral, and borrow without needing 70% of total staked value.

How Headen Finance Makes Cross Chain Loans

How the protocol works

No-collateral lending

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Egestas vulputate dui vel ornare magna aliquam ornare nisl felis. Sit congue fusce elit nec quam sit. Pellentesque morbi posuere urna faucibus eget.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Egestas vulputate dui vel ornare magna aliquam ornare nisl felis. Sit congue fusce elit nec quam sit. Pellentesque morbi posuere urna faucibus eget.

Introducing Credit score for Stakers

Euro to BTC symbol

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Egestas vulputate dui vel ornare magna aliquam ornare nisl felis. Sit congue fusce elit nec quam sit. Pellentesque morbi posuere urna faucibus eget.

NFTs & Liquidity Tokens as Collaterals

Euro to BTC symbol

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Egestas vulputate dui vel ornare magna aliquam ornare nisl felis. Sit congue fusce elit nec quam sit. Pellentesque morbi posuere urna faucibus eget.

Earn interests, Create markets and more

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Egestas vulputate dui vel ornare magna aliquam ornare nisl felis. Sit congue fusce elit nec quam sit. Pellentesque morbi posuere urna faucibus eget.